We do our best to quickly reply everyone who messages us if possible on same or next day OR in maximum 3-4 days.
Whether or not we can help- your message will get a reply and not vanish in a black hole!
How to reach us ?
1) Media People:
- Contact us at: press@darksun.biz . Also, please visit our online presskit (click here to open) to know everything about us- including ZIP files with hi-res screenshots and images and links to many youtube videos of our products.
If you want email updates about our current and future products and press releases through email, please register at:
2) Bloggers, Youtubers, Facebook Page Owners, Users who love us and Anyone Who wants to share or write about us:
- Just like media, Contact us at: press@darksun.biz . Also, please visit our online presskit (click here to open) to know everything about us.
- Just like media-people, we can send you email updates- and if you want, we are happy to also share product unlock codes and we will also reach out to tell you whenever we have gifts like coffee mugs, t-shirts and pizza party invites for you!
3) Users and Customers who face problems OR who are unhappy OR angry with us:
scroll down to the bottom of this page- and you can read more details about how we can resolve your problem and compensate you for the trouble you faced.
Dear customer facing problems: it is your faith in us and your willingness to download our apps which pays our salaries and bills.
You are the reason we exist and you are more important to us than anyone or anything else.
4) Users who want to reach out to us to say hello or have comments or suggestions:
We are happy to hear from you- we will definitely reply and if possible we’ll also do our best to send you some gift or upcoming product or pizza to make you happy!
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and read more!
That’s it!
In Detail:
1) Media People and Bloggers: Contact us at: press@darksun.biz . Also, please visit our online presskit (click here to open) to know everything about us.
- Our online presskit link not only has many screenshot images and Youtube videos of our products – but also includes links to ZIP files with high-resolution screenshot and product images and links to many videos you can embed in your article OR story if publishing online.
- We are honoured if you want to write about us OR share about us- and we will do our best to quickly reply any queries with all the information and images you need to write a great story.
2) Bloggers, Youtubers, Facebook Page Admins/ Online Community and Clan Moderators and everybody else from accross the world:
- We are happy to hear from you. Even if you are not instantly writing OR sharing about us- reach out to us and tell us about you and your online presence (and with a screenshot or link if you have already written OR shared about us)– and we will try to keep you updated on the newest stuff we do and give you access to stuff we are building- and when we have t-shirts OR coffee mugs OR gifts to give OR pizza to share– we will give you a shout for sure!
- We are happy to be part of the world and the community and support everyone trying to do good- and though we cant offer gifts to media- we are happy to share pizza, beer and cute stuff with our online friends who show their love for stuff we build and stuff we do!
3) Users and Customers who face problems OR who are unhappy OR angry with us:
Dear customer facing problems: it is your faith in us and your willingness to download our apps which pays our salaries and bills.
You are the reason we exist and you are more important to us than anyone or anything else.
- Use “Email Us” button in the product – and we encourage you to email us using that and also send us a Facebook message OR Tweet with comments- email sent through “email us” link will include information about product version and your device- which will help us replicate and quickly solve the problem.
- If you are a user OR customer and you have a problem with any product- then write us an email and also message us on our Facebook page(s) – for the product OR for Darksun. Facebook Page.
- Messages sent to our Facebook pages are seen by the company’s top leadership and multiple people in our team and unlike email– they cannot be lost NOR do they go into spam folder— and whoever in our team sees your message can instantly start replying to you- and ask the correct team-members to see the bug-report email you have sent.
- Apart from quickly trying to fix problem you face- we will do our best to say “thank you for contacting us”- by later doing something like give you access to a new product or send you a gift.
4) Users who want to reach out and say hello OR send us suggestions, complaints, etc: We are happy to reach our to you.
- Apart from quickly responding- we will do our best to say through our actions “thank you for contacting us”- by later doing something like give you access to a new product or send you a gift.
We are happy to hear from you, so write to us! Whether or not we can help- we will do our best to be responsive and make sure your message is attended to.